Whole Life Insurance Specifics: Understanding The Differences Between Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans

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Whole Life Insurance Specifics: Understanding The Differences Between Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans

Whole Life Insurance Specifics: Understanding The Differences Between Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans

It’s not a secret that I (Romone Porter) love Whole Life Insurance as savings wealth preservation tool. Whole Life Insurance is NOT an investment, don’t allow anyone trick you into believing that it is, and Whole Life Insurance is NOT a get rich quick scheme, so don’t listen to people who tell you that either.

Whole Life Insurance, Permanent Life Insurance in general was created merely as an alternative to Term Life Insurance, which historically failed for people who lived out their Term Insurance policies.

As a licensed Insurance Agent who loves his position, I like to remind my clients, that most insurance contracts are based on term, and as you age, most insurance contracts, will not ensure you past a certain age, something most people only figure out when they turn 65 years of age.

Whole Life Insurance was created to solve problems Term Life Insurance can not solve, namely ensuring a person who has reached the modern retirement age. Whole Life Insurance is typically more expensive than Term Life Insurance and the reason for this is because the price never changes and as long as you pay your premiums, you’re GUARANTEED insurance coverage.

Also in Canada, Assuris which is a nonprofit organization under Canadian federal regulation protects Canadian policyholders of their life insurance contracts, meaning that if you’re scared your life insurance won’t be delivered, Assuris has you covered.

With that said, one of the benefits of Whole Life Insurance is the ability to borrow money from the insurance company using your Whole Life Insurance policy as collateral(Contact Romone to learn more)

Call or text Romone for more information

Contact Romone: (416) 705-0892
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If you plan on ever using your policy loan, you should be aware of the difference between a direct recognition and non-direct recognition policy loan. First let’s discuss a Direct Recognition policy Loan.

Whole Life Insurance Differences Between Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans

Whole Life Insurance Differences Between Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans

Direct Recognition Loans

Definition: In a direct recognition loan, the life insurance company recognizes if a policyholder takes a loan against the policy’s cash value. The company then adjusts the dividends and/or interest rate on the remaining cash value based on the fact that a loan has been taken.

How it Works:

  • When you take a loan, the insurer will typically use your policy’s cash value as collateral.
  • The insurer adjusts the dividends or interest rate on the remaining cash value not being used as collateral for the loan.
  • This adjustment can be either an increase or a decrease in the rate, depending on the company’s policy and prevailing economic conditions.


  • Imagine you have a whole life policy with a cash value of $100,000.
  • You decide to take a loan of $40,000.
  • The insurance company might then adjust the dividend or interest rate on the remaining $60,000.
  • If the original dividend rate was 4%, it might be reduced to 2% on the non-collateral portion of the cash value.

Call or text Romone for more information

Contact Romone: (416) 705-0892
You can also use the contact form for more information.

Non-Direct Recognition Loans

Definition: In a non-direct recognition loan, the life insurance company does not change the dividend or interest rate on your policy’s cash value when you take out a loan.

How it Works:

  • Similar to direct recognition, the loan is secured by the cash value of your policy.
  • However, the insurer continues to credit the same rate of dividends or interest on the entire cash value, regardless of the loan.


  • Consider the same policy with a $100,000 cash value.
  • You take a $40,000 loan.
  • In this case, the company continues to apply the original 4% dividend rate on the full $100,000 cash value.
  • This means you continue to earn dividends or interest as if you hadn’t taken the loan.

Key Differences and Implications

  • Interest Rate Adjustments: Direct recognition policies adjust the rates based on loans, whereas non-direct recognition policies do not.
  • Dividend Earning: With non-direct recognition, the full cash value continues to earn dividends, which can be beneficial in a stable or increasing dividend environment.
  • Policy Performance: Direct recognition can either positively or negatively affect the performance of your policy, depending on how the company adjusts rates post-loan, which depending on how your contract is formatted, may or may not be to your advantage based on the market conditions.

Choosing the Right Option

The decision between a direct and non-direct recognition loan should be based on:

  • Loan Size and Duration: Larger, longer-term loans might be more affected by these policies.
  • Dividend Rate Trends: Understanding how your insurer has historically adjusted rates can inform your decision.
  • Financial Goals and Cash Flow Needs: Consider how the loan and policy adjustments align with your broader financial strategy.

In summary, the choice between direct and non-direct recognition loans depends on how you expect the loan to interact with your policy’s performance and your overall financial goals.

This post ended being a lot longer than I planned, if you’re not planning on using your policy loan, or only planning on using it for emergencies, then this shouldn’t be that big of a deal, however if you intended to utilize your policy loans, you’d be wise to consult someone like Romone Porter, to make sure that you matched with the right Insurance company.

Also do not assume that Stock or Mutual insurance companies or better or worse than the other when it comes to Direct Recognition and Non-Direct Recognition Policy Loans, this will depend on the insurance company and the contract they offer you.

The general appeal of whole life policy loans are the loan repayment schedules, no forced monthly payments. Imagine you controlled how you repaid your mortgage? and You had life insurance policy that covered you and your family if you passed away?

I say this because even if you have a whole life insurance contract that isn’t the best in the marketplace, as long as you used the money wisely, you’re better off than people without life insurance. So please don’t make haste decisions and cancel your existing life insurance policy.

Life insurance is time sensitive, and I value your time, if you’re looking for an insurance agent looking out for you best interests give me a call or text, please, let me know who you are and what you’re calling about, I get a lot of spam calls, so if you send me one or two word text messages, I may not reply.

Call or text Romone for more information

Contact Romone: (416) 705-0892
You can also use the contact form for more information.

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