Buy Term Insurance and Invest The Difference, Risky and Volatile?

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Buy Term Insurance and Invest The Difference, Risky and Volatile?

“Buy Term Insurance and Invest The Difference” Is Risky and Volatile?

At Seg Fund Insurance, we think it’s smarter for you to purchase permanent life insurance and invest the difference.
Life Insurance is NOT an entitlement; you must qualify for it, and it’s common for most people to imagine that they will always qualify for Life Insurance, which is not true.

Buying Term Life Insurance and Investing the difference has proven disastrous for most people who follow this strategy.
Term Life, also known as Temporary, Leased, or rented Life Insurance, is cheap for a reason.

It’s cheaper because both you and the insurance company are anticipating that you will outlive your term life insurance policy.

If you’re going to employ this “Buy Term, Invest The Difference” financial strategy, at the very least, consider purchasing term insurance from an insurance provider that allows you the option to convert your Term Life Insurance contract into a permanent life Insurance contract in the future.

If you’re not rich by the time you reach the age of retirement, you might have to deplete your investments and may no longer qualify for Life Insurance.

Life Insurance is NOT an entitlement; you must qualify for it! If you get sick, have a major surgery, or have a major accident in your life, you may no longer qualify for life insurance.

If disaster strikes while you have a Term Life Insurance policy and you survive, you will have to disclose your accident to the insurance company upon renewing your term life insurance contract.

Some Financial “experts” or people averse to risk will argue that the money you’re sending to your Whole or Universal Life Insurance policy should be used to invest in financial vehicles like Stocks and Mutual Funds.

At Seg Fund Insurance, we argue the opposite; we want you and Your Family To Have FINANCIAL SECURITY first; after securing your financial security, that’s when you should invest.

There’s no security investing in stocks or mutual funds, and safe, secure bonds tend to pay the same rate of interest as Whole and Universal Life Insurance contracts, and bonds don’t offer a tax-free death benefit.

The profits you make from your bonds are not only taxable but also don’t offer you or your family a death benefit guarantee.

If you were to pass away, prior to the maturity date of your whole Life Insurance contract, your whole life insurance would pay your beneficiaries more tax-free money than a bond ever could; in fact, in a scenario of premature death, your whole life insurance would outperform a mutual fund paying 20 percent annually.

Nothing makes your family happier or miss you more, than giving them a GUARANTEED cash windfall when you pass away.

At Seg Fund Insurance, we think it’s better that you purchase Permanent Life Insurance FIRST and invest the difference in vehicles like Segregated Funds when you have the financial ability to do so.

Segregated Funds, also known as “Seg Funds,” are similar to Mutual Funds; they cost a bit more to manage, but because they’re an INSURANCE investment vehicle, they offer you more financial SECURITY.

When you keep your Seg Fund investment to the maturity date, your investment is protected from substantial losses, and you can lock in your financial gains.

All Life Insurance companies are NOT made equal; get Quotes From the best insurance carriers in Canada with Proven Track Records of Payment.

If you live in Canada and need help or a free quote for Life, Group, Business, Disability, Critical Care, Travel, Home, Renters, or Auto insurance.

Call, text, 416-705-0892
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