Be Your Own Bank In Ontario Canada – It’s Not An Investment

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Be Your Own Bank In Ontario Canada – It’s Not An Investment

Being your own banker or infinite banking is NOT an investment and should never be imagined as an investment. Being your own banker in Canada is best utilized by using a particular type of Whole Life Insurance Policy, and some insurance carriers in Canada do not offer whole life insurance policies that cater to individuals who prefer to use the LIVING BENEFITS of a dividend-paying whole life insurance contract.

R. Nelson Nash was the creator of The Infinite Banking Concept and the author of the best-selling book Becoming Your Own Banker. What should be understood about R. Nelson Nash and the infinite banking concept is that when he first used Infinite banking, he did not have the option of these modern whole life insurance policies, yet he was still able to implement the infinite banking concept.

What this means is that you do not necessarily require an exotic new whole life insurance contract to implement infinite banking; you can still use the basic whole life insurance policies to Be Your Own Banker(BYOB).

Be your Own Banker Ontario Canada

Be your Own Banker Ontario Canada

BYOB is not very complicated, and again, it’s NOT an investment; you’ll get a lot of people who ONLY believe in “Buying Term Insurance and investing the difference in Mutual Funds,” telling you that infinite banking or being your own baker is a scam, these people are often clueless and are banking on their clients being RICH before they reach retirement age.

The reason I recommend Whole Life Insurance is because once you reach 65 years old, TERM INSURANCE becomes extremely expensive. Whole Life Insurance is more expensive than term insurance because there’s a 100% chance that as long as you pay your insurance premiums, the insurance company has to pay you money, whereas with Term Insurance, if you purchase term insurance and you OUT LIVE your TERM insurance contract, not only do you have to reapply for the term insurance, you could be rejected or charged a much higher premium based on your current health status.

Be your Own Banker Canada

Be your Own Banker Canada

With Whole Life Insurance, you only have to apply ONCE, and your payment will be the same until you die, which really works out in your favor as you get older. People disinterested in life insurance altogether need not worry about how insurance really works, but if your Life Insurance is important to you, in my opinion, Whole Life Insurance is your BEST CHOICE.

Romone doesn’t only focus on Whole Life Insurance; he also focuses on Segregated Funds. Segregated Funds are Mutual Funds with INSURANCE to protect a minimum of 75% of your initial investment. So why Buy Term Life insurance and Invest the difference in Mutual Funds when you can Buy Whole Life Insurance and invest the difference in Segregated Funds?

A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle where the money collected from various investors is pooled together to invest in different assets including bonds, stocks, and/or money market investments.


So when you work with Romone Porter, you’re not simply getting an agent who wants to sell you on being your banker as an investment; no, you’re also working with an experienced insurance Agent who will tell you a more SECURE way to Invest your capital.

Be your Own Banker Toronto Ontario Canada

Be your Own Banker Toronto Ontario Canada

Investing is risky, and yes, Segregated Funds(SegFunds) charge higher fees than Mutual Funds, but you get what you pay for; those extra fees for SegFunds help to protect your initial investment from loss.

Both Term Life Insurance and Mutual Funds do not offer the same level of SECURITY as Whole Life Insurance and SegFunds. I’m not saying they’re bad choices, it’s just for me I prefer to ell my clients on something I personally use.

I can and will definitely refer you to the best mutual fund advisor in my organization and I also work with the best Term Insurance providers in the life insurance industry, but if you’re interested in being your own banker and want to learn the basics of how it works contact me today.

I won’t make it complicated for you, and I’m here for you; this is what I do for a living; you can call me or text me. I do my best for my clients, I live and breathe this, and I’m a very friendly, easy-going Canadian.

If I don’t know something, I’ll tell you, and I’ll research it and get back to you; I work with the best in the business, and what I don’t know they do know, so when you’re doing business with Romone you should also remember that I have a team of professionals working with me.

I’m all in when it comes to life insurance and segregated funds, so I’m your go-to guy if you want to get things done. I also respect your time, and I will not try to complicate things for you; I’ll keep things as simple as possible so you understand.

Call or text Romone for more information

Contact Romone: (416) 705-0892
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